Dragon Magick According to the Practices of the Pathways of Shadows Tradition
Teachings of Naelyan Wyvern, High Priestess and Leader of the Pathways of Shadows Tradition
From a series of videos on our official channel in Portuguese, posted on March 9th, 2011 –
How to work with dragons?
Working with a draconic deity as an intermediary—such as Tiamat or Apsu—is highly advisable. In the Pathways of Shadows tradition, Tiamat is revered as the creatrix of the universe and the sacred bridge between humans and dragons. Dragon Magick is an advanced practice that demands a strong foundation in fundamental magical principles. Prior experience in working with spiritual entities is essential, and several years of dedicated magical practice are strongly recommended before attempting to engage with dragons.
That said, the first step on the path of Dragon Magick is to invite dragons into your rituals with deep respect, an open heart, and a genuine willingness to receive their wisdom and guidance.
Keep in mind:
Dragons are beings of unwavering ethics, demanding integrity, loyalty, and honor. Within Dragon Magick, there is no room for deception. A fatal mistake in this practice is disregarding the strict code of conduct that dragons require of their practitioners. One must establish and uphold a personal code of integrity; breaking oaths or contracts sworn to dragons is an unforgivable transgression. This is not about striving for moral superiority but rather about defining one’s inner ethical compass and never betraying it. Approaching Dragon Magick with disrespect or dishonor can have severe consequences, potentially endangering one’s spiritual path, sanity, and even their very life. This warning must always be heeded.
Dragons are drawn to individuals whose energy aligns with their own, particularly magic practitioners. Once a bond is formed, dragons may assist in magical workings, but they retain the right to withdraw their support if trust is violated. A dragon bond can endure across lifetimes, often intertwining with magical lineages and safeguarding ancestral knowledge for generations to come.
The bond between humans and dragons:
In the primordial stages of the world’s formation, as the realms expanded, dragons became aware of beings imbued with the profound gift of magic. During their explorations, they encountered humans—fragile creatures, lacking protective scales and claws, vulnerable to nature’s harshness and the ravages of time. Yet, despite their frailty, dragons were deeply moved by humanity’s capacity for love and the divine spark within their souls. Witnessing this, dragons recognized that some human souls were crafted by the ancient Gods themselves. Thus, they resolved to protect and guide humanity.
However, humanity’s destructive tendencies soon troubled the dragons. Though they sought to inspire humans with grand ideas, time and again, humans misused divine names to justify violence and destruction. Still, in their infinite wisdom, dragons perceived that certain souls carried an uncorrupted spark of the divine. These individuals became the vessels through which dragons awakened humanity’s latent magical gifts. Across civilizations and cultures, draconic influence became an indelible part of the collective consciousness, reflected most strongly in humanity’s reverence for magic.
Yet, humanity faltered once more, discarding magical knowledge that clashed with the dogmas of dominant monotheistic, patriarchal religions driven by fear and the thirst for control. In response, the dragons withdrew entirely from the world, choosing neither to be seen nor perceived. Over time, however, they returned in secret, watching as the Sacred Feminine reawakened within human spirituality. As humanity rediscovered ancient traditions and embraced personal sovereignty, a profound shift occurred. Observing this renewed reverence for nurturing and protecting Earth rather than dominating it, dragons gradually reengaged.
Subtly, they reopened portals, allowing select individuals to perceive and connect with them. Through this renewed contact, dragons shared magical wisdom, revealing the existence of multiple interconnected realities and empowering practitioners to weave their destinies consciously. They taught that magic, in its purest form, is neutral—neither inherently good nor evil. The responsibility of its use lies solely with the practitioner, who must approach it with reverence. By healing one’s reality, the effects ripple across interconnected realms, influencing the entire cosmic web.
Dragon Magick within the Pathways of Shadows Tradition:
Guided by the wisdom of our leader Naelyan Wyvern, the Pathways of Shadows Tradition established its structured practice of Dragon Magick within our coven, and dragon magick it is at the very core of our tradition; in profound ways that we don’t speak about on social media, although we do share information about this magickal system so other practitioners called to it may find inspiration.
Naelyan observed that dragons belonged to distinct clans, each imparting its teachings uniquely tailored to the practitioner’s perception. While the Tradition does not claim absolute truth regarding Dragon Magick, it offers Naelyan’s insights as guiding principles.
The Pathways of Shadows Tradition primarily engages with the elemental dragon clans:
- Outer Earth Dragons: Guardians of wilderness and planetary surfaces.
- Inner Earth Dragons: Keepers of Gaia’s core and Earth’s mineral veins.
- Inner Air Dragons: Protectors of the Akashic Records and cosmic knowledge.
- Outer Air Dragons: Influencers of our atmosphere and mental realms.
- Outer Fire Dragons: Stewards of deserts, volcanoes, and planetary fire.
- Inner Fire Dragons: Awakeners of the divine fire within individuals; the flame of magick within the soul
- Outer Water Dragons: Holders of primordial creation; keepers of ancient mysteries within oceans.
- Inner Water Dragons: Shapers of emotional currents across intercontinental waters.
Beyond elemental manifestations, the Dragons of Chaos and Order existed before all else. Chaos Dragons catalyze transformation and creation, while Order Dragons maintain harmony, balance, and cyclical rhythms. Alongside these are the Dragons of Internal Light, illuminating darkness, and the Dragons of Inner Shadow, guiding human evolution and collective consciousness.
The Thirteenth Clan, the Dragons of Metal, channels planetary energies through metals such as gold, silver, and iron, enhancing human spiritual potential. Eastern Dragons (Loong), as well as Incan and Aztec serpents, represent additional distinct draconic forms. There are other clans, some of which Naelyan does not speak about publicly.
May the veils of mystery remain where they must, guarding the sacred whispers of Dragon Magick. Yet, for those who feel the ancient call, may this glimpse into our practice kindle the spark of discovery. With reverence and awe, may seekers walk the winding path, guided by the wisdom of dragons. May their fire awaken within, illuminating the soul’s journey and igniting the eternal dragon dance between darkness and light.
Transcribed and translated by Pythia Draco.
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