Our History
Founded in 2006 after a split from the Dianic Tradition in Brazil, our tradition was established by Naelyan Wyvern, whose vision was to create a path where magickal knowledge is not only cultivated but deeply explored. We aim to be a haven for those called to serve the Old Gods—a place where they can train and refine their metaphysical skills under proper guidance, empowering them to answer that sacred call. Rooted in the virtues of dragons and the many gods that form our tribe, we are devoted to honoring both the sacred masculine and feminine, upholding balance in all polarities through our service to the Gods, our lives, and our magickal practice.
Naelyan’s extensive training spans multiple esoteric traditions. She is an ordained priestess of the Fellowship of Isis, a Shemsu within Kemetic Orthodoxy, and a high priestess of the Wanen tradition. Her wisdom and unwavering service to the Gods continue to inspire those who walk this path, instilling in every soul she touches not only a profound reverence for the divine but also a rigorous dedication to the mastery of magic. Under her guidance, our tradition has evolved into a discipline of profound spiritual study, where initiates undergo an intricate and demanding training process designed to cultivate both magical proficiency and deep self-knowledge.
While the inner mysteries of our tradition remain safeguarded for those truly called to this path—where initiation and membership are certainly not granted to the merely curious—we have always been committed to sharing knowledge with sincere seekers. Since 2006, our tradition has maintained a strong online presence in South America, offering an extensive collection of texts and magical teachings to ensure that those who heed the call of the Gods have the resources they need to embark on their journey.
In an era where reliable sources on witchcraft are scarce, the many texts shared by our initiates across forums and websites over the years have inspired countless individuals to find their own path. We believe the time of gatekeeping knowledge has passed. Our mission is to share, to guide, and to inspire others to learn the old ways—so that those who seek with sincerity may also walk this path with responsibility and purpose.
At the heart of our tradition stands Hekate, our revered matron goddess, who embodies our philosophy of wisdom, transformation, and liminality. We pursue a scholarly exploration of diverse magical traditions while granting our initiates the autonomy to cultivate their own methodologies, refine their skills, and explore their unique spiritual and magical talents. As practitioners, we walk the liminal spaces between polarities, serving as intermediaries between the cosmic forces and planes of existence.
As Naelyan herself describes, the magical practice that defines our witchcraft tradition is a mosaic of wisdom drawn from various traditions, unified by an unwavering commitment to serving the Old Gods with honor and keeping the flame of magickal knowledge alive. With integrity as our foundation, we honor the Gods not only through our rituals and studies but through our very lives. Through our magic, we aim to be instruments of the Goddess in this world—eternal seekers of knowledge in a never-ending quest for eternal learning.
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