Tradition Pathways of Shadows: History & Foundations
Our History Founded in 2006 after a split from the Dianic Tradition in Brazil, our tradition was established by Naelyan Wyvern, whose vision...
Our History Founded in 2006 after a split from the Dianic Tradition in Brazil, our tradition was established by Naelyan Wyvern, whose vision...
Commentary by Naelyan Wyvern, translated by Pythia Draco. Here is a text I consider essential as a guideline for assessing whether a coven...
Dragon Magick According to the Practices of the Pathways of Shadows Tradition Teachings of Naelyan Wyvern, High Priestess and Leader of the Pathways...
Entry into our Tradition occurs only through the ritual of dedication. A postulant may ask for dedication to any Priestess or Priest of...
The Pathways of Shadows Tradition, TCS/PoST from its name in Portuguese (Tradição Caminhos das Sombras) is a Hecatine Tradition. A Hecatine Tradition is...